Steve Guttenberg

I like him and he's not the worst actor in the world, but my goodness, he is BAD in this! How can we feel anything for his character when he can't keep a straight face? He's literally smiling through most of the "dramatic" scenes.

Hard to believe I've never seen this one, because I love lousy 80s thrillers, and in fact saw most of them when they first came out. But this was something special. Utterly implausible from every angle.

At least he took his shirt off. That was a few minutes of relief.

And Elizabeth MGovern looked a hell of a lot better before her attempt to look sexy.


I saw this back in the day and I too thought Steve Gutenberg stunk! He's a good guy and good in other movies but he was out of his element here!


Yeah, he basically comes across as a smug bastard.

I'm the saddle.


Agreed. The movie was pretty well made otherwise, but he was terribly miscast.

YAAAAAY! Now you go, lady!


I found he was okay, he was playing a doofus character anyway... naive and dumb
