R, why is it rated R?

Why is this movie rated R? Is it worse than Kentucky fried movie?

I rock!!!!!



o. thank you very much

I rock!!!!!


Well, the movie had quite a bit of nudity (full frontal) and swearing in it.

That usually gets an R rating in the states.


I think it might have something to do with the naked Pethouse Pet walking around naked for a solid minute or two. It's mostly breasts, but there are a few shots that sneak lower... it's actually pretty tame (she's literally just walking around and doing everyday stuff), but I can see why it got the rating.


Because the USA is afraid of nipples :P

Janet Jackson proved that


If you look closely you catch a glimpse of Ed Begley, JR's juevos.

Er, um... not that I was looking... er, um...



Hey, I'm an extremely open minded guy, and _I'M_ afraid of Janet Jackson's nipples.

But you're right - the US standards are completely out of whack. Glimpses of the human body are considered to be taboo as far as broadcasting TV and movies go, but it is ok for brutal violence to be on network shows. And we wonder why people in this country are prone to using violence to resolve their issues.


afraid of JJ's nips??? LMFAO bwahahahaha - i liked the nipple shield - it was cool. What a silly thing blown out of proportion. JJ still has a crankin body!

i dont know why the US is uptight about nudity, especially male. We seem pretty comfortable with naked females since we see enough of them - and you can see PG movies with boobs so that doesnt necessarily cause an R rating. I think if its more sexual - you get that. I think part of the reason the US is more comfortable is b/c we have become so desensitized from seeing it so often - plus it depends on the violence. Shooting, fighintg,car crashes, explosions, etc... are one thing, but rape is another. I dont think people worry about their children imitating violence so much b/c most can differentiate b/w reality and fantasy. But sex is a whole different thing - parents worry about their kids becoming sexually active at too young of an age (plus add pregnancy, AIDS and STDs) and feel that sexual movies may egg that on. I dont know the answers - i just have ideas, lol. My husband will have our son playing very violent video wargames but doesnt want him watching the Naked Brothers Band - how much sense does that make? Now if the NBB was getting shot or run over by a car - he'd probably be ok with that (so would many people come to think of it, hee hee).

maybe the R rating was b/c of the 2 nude women - one is naked and walking aropund for a while but the other is more sexual and really not appropriate for kids.

i thought this movie sucked personally. i didnt seee anything funny about any of the skits - they were really stupid. i guess if youre a guy its funny (not that women dont find it funny, but most of the people i know who like it were guys).

There are some stupid movies i find funny like Orgazmo, but this just didnt do it for me


So we have to show topless women in every movie and TV show, just to prove how hip we are? LOL Find a better argument.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


Then stop watching USA movies.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


There is some nudity in it, which occurs in the sketch about a Playhouse Playmate who is at first posing nude and then is walking around everywhere nude and nobody noticing it.


Griffin Dunne plays Michelle Pffeifer´s Gynecologist.
He inspects Michelle´s private parts, while her husband
(played by Peter Horton)watches.


Then there's "Video Date" which could be described as an "adult situation".

Fight the storm.


Why is it rated R?! Did you see what the Loch Ness Monster did to those London prostitutes? The violence was horrifying.


the video date segment had a topless women have sex with her self.
