Please help!

My boss asked at work today if I knew what "Jabba da-ha da-ha" was. After long searches on the internet I still couldnt find anything. He gave me the hint that it was in one of the crocodile dundee movies. I narrowed it down to the second one. Can anyone help me with this? Any input would be great. I dont want to have to pay up on a bet with my boss!


I think it might actually be Jabba Ha Da Ha.....either one of those is right.


walter made it up, it's not real. he was just making stuff up to make mick sound even more hardcore outback than he alreay is.


Just watched the film, it's something that wally made up, but he claims that it means "the crocodile who walks on 2 legs".


"The crocodile who walks like a man"


Hi There, yes I totally agree. Walter did make it up which made the speech he gave to Rico (the drug lord), even more funnier!! I absolutely laugh each time I hear Walter say it when I watch the movie. I have them both on video and recently upgraded to DVD (given to me as a Xmas present 2006).

Because if you know, that in both movies, Walter exaggerates each story he tells!? So the trend of his character says it all when you hear him say Jabba Ah Da Da..
