MovieChat Forums > Thirtysomething (1987) Discussion > 1st season is boring me to death

1st season is boring me to death

I bought it on DVD and it is very hard to watch at times. There are no characters that really jump out as being interesting. Michael and Hope are the most boring married couple in the history of television. I thought that I could sit through anything from the 80s but this show might be the one exception. I was initially planning on getting the later seasons but I'm wondering if it is worth it. The DVDs are not exactly cheap. Does it get better during the later seasons?


The third season is my favorite...but if the first season is boring you why would you even watch it any more? I thought it was a great show, but no show is for everybody.


I thought that it might be one of those shows that starts off slows and eventually gels. However, I don't think I'll have the patience to stick with it much longer. I've made it to episode 10 so far.


Yes, it really improves.

Michael & Hope don't get any less boring, but as the show develops the focus on the other charcters more & more.

Even when the show originally aired, as soon as I realised an episode was going to revolve around Michael & Hope, I'd go do something else.

Maybe you should start with series three.


If you have Netflix you can watch them on instant viewing which is a lot cheaper than buying them. I'm watching the first season as well and feel the same way. The only thing that keeps me going is my interest in the generation of that time period and how it compares to my generation in this time period.

In my case, nickel, if you are dead, someone smoking a cigarette, was his mother.


"The only thing that keeps me going is my interest in the generation of that time period and how it compares to my generation in this time period. "

You sure won't get and references points with these characters - they're from another planet and they can't even act that out well.


This series was always heavy sledding. I remember when it was originally on on the late 1980's. Even though it was praised as being "innovative" and "trend setting" (mostly in very superficial ways) it was represented the ultimate in overdone yuppie angst. It is next to impossible to identify or empathize with people who think the world turns on their trivial personal dramas.


That's absurd. People just love calling anything that realistically deals with middle-class issues whiny.

Next to impossible to identify or empathise with? People are self-absorbed and care about their trivial personal dramas - you do as well. Do you relate to the characters on fkn Law & Order or CSI, where they have every element of their humanness extracted from them to the point where they're just figureheads for the same boring exposition episode after episode, year after year.


It's not absurd. If people who are preoccupied with their "middle class" issues are considered "whiny", it's mostly because they are. People who deal with homelessness, incarceration, gang violence, the failure of public education to say nothing of issues like war and terrorism face real, even existential threats. The overwrought emoting on this series over trivial issues (mostly the characters belief that they were inadequately appreciated) was ridiculous. It was pure soap opera.


You're lucky; I couldn't last 15 minutes of the first episode...

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.



Can i buy that first season DVD from you for cheap?

-We Provide.....Leverage
