MovieChat Forums > Thirtysomething (1987) Discussion > thirtysomething killed off Gary 25 years...

thirtysomething killed off Gary 25 years ago - when a TV death meant som

The death of Peter Horton's character on Feb. 12, 1991 shocked the ABC “existential yuppie drama’s” 17 million fans.


I remember *was* a shock at the time. I also remember seeing someone drive by with a bumpersticker a week or so later that said, "Why couldn't it have been Hope?"

Hope had a tendency to get on people's nerves at times. ;-)


I remember the night they killed off Gary--I was totally shocked and a wreck besides (dh came home from work and I was bawling my eyes out. lol). They couldn't pull that off today tho--the Imternet barely existed back then (the Dark Ages) and there certainly weren't any tv sites loaded with "spoilers."
