Q: Can you think of a better sitcom idea than "My Two Dads"? Your mom's dead and she was such a slut, we don't know who your real father is.
--Charlie Triemert, St. Paul, MN
SG: You're right, that was pretty good. If that show came around 15 years later, there's absolutely no question that both of those Dads would have been gay. In fact, there's still time. But I don't think it cracks the top-five sitcom ideas. I always thought the best possible sitcom could be summed up in one sentence, followed by the subsequent sentence, "Comedy ensues." If it sounds funny in two sentences, it's probably a winner. The premise behind "My Two Dads" was flawed because, in real life, they would have gotten a blood test to figure it out. But look at something like "Diff'rent Strokes," which could be described in ten words:
"Rich white guy adopts two poor black orphans. Comedy ensues."
(Now that, my friends, is a great sitcom premise.)