MovieChat Forums > Married with Children (1987) Discussion > How should the series finally end? There...

How should the series finally end? There was no finale.

Anyone got any ideas?

I'd like to know if you want...what you think.

This is how I would have ended it.

I LOVE MWC and still watch reruns, but the show never had a finale which Fox should be ashamed of since the show kept them alive AND they lied to them about what affiliates said saying they should not bother going to the affiliates show where reruns are signed up for syndication saying no one was interested when in fact it was the NUMBER ONE requested syndication rights show and the cast would have made A LOT OF MONEY for all the reruns still going on.

Anyway I began to hate Peg's character totally she was the worst wife on Earth. So I felt the finale should have shown Al realizing without telling the family he won a huge lottery. Then divorcing Peg, giving her half, and disappearing while making sure Kelly was taken care of and Bud's education paid for and both end up doing well in life eventually. Bud more so than Kelly but from a far Al made sure his little girl was safe and okay.

The D'arcy's finally have moved on up to the house from Home Alone and we find out Jefferson has been brought back into service with the CIA and Marcy is working with him...hijinks galore.

Peg on the other hand blew through her half in less than a year and tried to mooch off the kids who wouldn't let her, but Al made sure to keep the house and she moves back in. She let every smooth talking good looking guy screw her out of every dime she had and plus all her shopping. Then she is trying to find Al with lawyers screeching he still owes her millions but they cannot ever find him.

Cut to a private island in the South Pacific where we close in on Al in an easy chair on the beach while a couple of topless young ladies cater to him. Then you hear him say, " so what do you think.. think you will be happy here Steve" to see Steve Rhoades walking up with a drink in his hand, big smile sitting down in the other chair, saying "Al you are the best friend ever".

And they both kick back while the camera pulls back and Al is happy at last.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Bud should've married Amber. That would've been my idea for the final season.


Al would never leave Peggy, She might drive him crazy but deep down inside he loves her too much. It would be more likely that he would come back from the Island because none of it made him happy because Peg wasn't there.


Bud should've married Amber

David Faustino was f_ _king the actress in real life. He made sure she got fired after they broke up.


I had no idea. Well, you learn something new everyday.


I hadn't read that anywhere - do you have a link?


I would like to know a source for this too.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


I never understood why the series was cancelled all of the sudden without even bothering to film an ending.
They claimed it was because it costing too much to produced each episode but the series was a huge money maker, specially in syndication plus Fox has admitted that MWC put the network on the map.

I think Ed Oneil has commented that he always thought the series was going to end by the Bundys winning the lottery and immediately being decimated by a hurricane, house and all.


show ran for 10 years which is a miracle. the last season wasn't good and they ran out of ideas. Ed looked like he was going through the motions to get another check. any kind of finale would have looked silly


Either the break up and reunition between Al and Peg in that 3 Part Episode or the one where Kelly almost married that one guy would have bin good finals.


The show ended with Al getting Kelly pregnant. How's that for a series finale!


The latter there was the final episode. They filmed that one last. The Chicago Shoe Exchange episode that aired later on was a leftover episode they burned off. It was filmed before the wedding thing.


Then Peg yelling "ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!" after finding out he got her pregnant.


I'd love for them to win the lottery. Then all the money going to all the creditors after all the debts he's run up over the years. Then being stuck where he was


AL for whatever reason win's a lawsuit against Gary

The Bundy's and Darcy's have a partnership in the local strip club

You could have a funny twist like Marcy picks the strippers and it's the first fat stripper club in the Chicago area.


The epsiode builds up to the kids marrying people just like Al and Peg and the final shot is Al slapping his forehead while making a 'Here we go again!' grimace.

I'm genuinely convinced that every movie would be better with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it.


with Al finally realizing how hot his wife is, treating her better and in turn her making him dinner before going upstairs for hot sex and the lights fade


I'm genuinely convinced that every movie would be better with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it.

I was going to make some smart-ass remark about Arnold being in The Sound of Music or Gone With The Wind, and then giving this some thought, realized that you are probably right...

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


Al awakes from a comma and tell of a wonderful dream he had of being a millionaire with a beautiful second wife and two children he's not embarrassed by.


I gave this some thought as I was contemplating in my- well - ceramic library and thought of an usual twist if not a full plot.

As a complete twist, have Kelly a VIRGIN on her wedding day. That's right, white dress etc. I've seen most MWC episodes and don't recall one where it was expressly said that Kelly had sexual contact, at least "full" contact if I could be so delicate. Plenty of innuendo sure, but I don't think there would be any script conflict on this.

As for the rest, we all thought it would be great if Al hit the lottery but what if Al actually patented and sold one of his hair-brained inventions and became rich through his own efforts instead of blind luck?

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety

Excellent signature; so true.

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


Well, the last episode (the two part Kelly's Wedding thing) was sort of an ending, with Kelly still not married and hitting on every man in sight. I don't know how you could end this. Maybe it is better not to because hell goes on and on with no ending.


I think the 3-parter "Breaking Up Is Easy To Do" should of been the finale.

Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets



'Breaking Up Is Easy To Do' should have been the series finale.

My knees are getting soggy


All interesting ideas...but still like mine best. I really hated Peg by the end. She lied, stole, talked down to him constantly, made fun of him, put him down sexually, financially, refused to do anything around the house and was the worst wife on Earth.

Underneath it all Al was miserable. So I liked the idea of him being happy WITHOUT Peg to screw it up.

Like I said at the end of the first post I did. And Al is happy at last.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


As others have noted, MWC already has what can serve as ready-made "built-in" series's just in the wrong place.
Move the 3-part episode BREAKING UP IS EASY TO DO to the end of that season, and it's perfect: Al and Peg go their separate ways, re-evaluate their relationship, and realise that in spite of everything they can't live without each other, reunited at the scene of their first fight.
There's your finale.
