The Mustang

In the season 5 opener episode titled, "We'll Follow the Sun", Al was driving a late model Mustang while taking the family on a Labor Day trip. What's the story on that? I remember in the season 4 episode "Oh, What a Feeling", Al wanted to buy a new Mustang but couldn't because Peg had stolen most of the money that he had hid.

Where did the Mustang come from and why don't we ever see it again after the "We'll Follow the Sun" episode?


Peggy won it in that game show at the end of Season 2.


So it was her car? Or a continuity issue? Because in season 4, Al had to purchase a used car (I think it was the Dodge).


So it was her car?


Or a continuity issue? Because in season 4, Al had to purchase a used car (I think it was the Dodge).

No, the continuity issue was with Al's Dodge. We see him get it in Season 4's "Oh What A Feeling", though actually it's just a different color version of the car he had at the beginning of the episode. But in later shows, it's said that Al had that car forever, and even said it had once been colored red.
