MovieChat Forums > Amerika (1987) Discussion > ABC caved into UltraRightwing pressure

ABC caved into UltraRightwing pressure

ABC and Nicholas Meyer had created THE DAY AFTER, a brilliant depiction of the tragedy and reality of a nuclear attack.
This was in direct opposition to the militaristic drumbeat of the Reagan administration, chickenhawks who had never served in uniform but now thought it was a great idea to launch at an atatck on the USSR, led by a President who was having difficulty telling movies and reality apart.
THE DAY AFTER opened a lot of eyes and staretd a real dialogue on the dangerous direction the Reaganites wanted to go.
Which pissed off the Far Rightwing, so they started a smear camapaign against the movie, Meyer, and ABC.
They demanded ABC create and air a movie in which a massive military program successfully defends the US from a Russian nuclear attack.
That turned out to be too science fictiony for anyone, so ABC compromised with a big budget remake of the McCarthy era propaganda film Jack Webb created for the Pentagon, RED NIGHTMARE.
Both films are sadly amusing in their cartoonish paranoia but at least RED NIGHTMARE is over fairly quick.


Could you cite some proof on this smear campaign against Nicholas Meyer and ABC from the so-called Far Rightwing?


It was well-documented at the time. The Far Right was calling for an outright boycott of all ABC shows, for example.


I agree completely with you on this. Sadly, the far right have won the day-look at how Obama's being treated, for example, and how certain people believe that his terms as president would lead us to what's seen in the miniseries..


Yeah, it's so terrible that Obama be held accountable for his actions and corruption.


Do, you can't back up your claims. Got it.


Sounds like you have difficulty distinguishing reality from Michael Moore agitprop.
