I'm cured! Prime's death doesnt get me anymore
I'm 33 and finally able to watch it without crying
shareI'm 33 and finally able to watch it without crying
shareLOL! I thought I was the only one traumatized by this. I could barely watch the cartoon after Prime died. Still can't believe they did that to us...WOW
shareI was 11 when Transformers first aired, I was a fan instantly. 13 when the movie came out and was not sad when Prime died, I didn't cry, but I sure was a pissed off 13 year old. I was so upset I had a hard time enjoying the rest of the movie and when I saw season 3 it was just not the same, it lost all the charm the first 2 seasons had. My opinion is that if they would have just waited 1 more season or 2 to kill off the original guys people would have handled it better. The show still felt like it was in it's infancy so killing off the main dudes so fast just ruined everything for me. If I watch the movie today I think it's cool but still get the feeling of being disappointed with how they made things turn out. Lol oh well beggars can't be choosers
shareI didn';t get to see the movie in theaters, but when Season 3 started airing and it was Optimus Prime-less....I was told he died in the movie (shocker).
Me & a Neighbor my age watched Transformers religiously and Season 3 was moved to early mornings (before school), the episode that REALLY hit me AND him was the episode Dark Awakening...to have Optimus back for a bit, only to give him a more BRUTAL death....ouch! I distinctly recall me & him coming out of our homes SO somber and sad..."did you see today's episode?" "yeeeaaaaah"....silence.
Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!