30 Years later and I'm

still pissed off they killed off all my favorite characters. I do like the movie but sure wish that they would've just started a 2nd TV show to introduce all the new toys they wanted to sell then kept the original show going at the same time. I don't think it would've lost any of it popularity, I think it would've gained even more. Would've been cool if they could've held off on the movie until about 1989 or so to give us 3 more seasons of the original guys doing their thing. At least that's what I would've liked to have seen.


in war people die
the movie shows this well and the story is better for this.

At the time most fans were furious and there was a fall in popularity of transformers. hence Prime's return.



Right but at the expense of killing off all the best / most loved characters it killed the franchise. I would've accepted it had it not happened so soon, we wanted more with our original guys. Had they waited a few more years to kill them off in the movie that would've been more acceptable. It was all about taking them away too quickly, we felt we got jipped on our time with them. Re-runs are great but when you don't get enough you go through the re-runs too quickly. They should've given us a full movie with all our original guys then a 2nd movie where they have happen what happened in this movie but a few years afterward.


Right but at the expense of killing off all the best / most loved characters it killed the franchise.

Transformers has been an on-going franchise for over 30 years. Nothing killed it.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


You do realize it's a CARTOON, and the story is FICTIONAL, don't you? No one killed anything / anyone!

Because it's fictional, it's imaginary. In imagination, you can do anything you want (basically), so NOTHING stops you from 'bringing your favorite character back to life' - or just make-believing it has been alive all this time.

In any case, if you really get PISSED OFF about someone writing something FICTIONAL about a CARTOON CHARACTEr, there is something wrong with you, no offence.
