Blu-Ray Transfer?

I remember hearing Landis on the Kevin Pollak chat show saying that he was busy supervising the HD transfer of Three Amigos...which surprises me 'cause it looks like crap. Does anyone else think they just zoom-boxed the non-anamorphic DVD?

The titles look sharp, but that's it. The first half or so of the movie is grainy as all get-out. It does seem to get better as it goes on though. Ah well. Still glad to have the movie. One of my all time favorites.


the film looks great on bluray. the picture is a lot sharper, the colors are vibrant, the print is cleaned up nicely, grain is intact and not obtrusive. theres no jitter or bobbing up and down of the opening credits. the end credits play all the way till the end. theres no black line over the print.

the bluray is leaps and bounds ahead over that piss poor DVD release from over a decade ago.

the film is available online for streaming in widescreen and still doesnt look very good.with the bluray you do indeed see much more picture to the left and right.

Landis oversaw the transfer because he wanted the movie to look the way he always wanted it to look. which was the look and feel of an old school western flick. what we see on the bluray does in fact look like those old westerns, so i'd say he did a fine job in trying to capture that atmosphere.


Looks like crap? Are you kidding? The film hasn't looked this good since it's theatrical release, when the guys first walked into the cantina I actually noticed the rhinestones on their uniforms sparkling for the very first time.

What you're seeing is film grain and it's supposed to be there, if you couldn't see it THEN I'd call it a crappy transfer because it would have been either too soft or scrubbed with DNR.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."
