Shaking film?

I bought the DVD because I hadn't seen Three Amigos in awhile and loved it. However, shortly after the movie began, I started noticing the screen wiggled back and forth. It got so annoying, I stopped watching and was going to chalk it up to a bad DVD. Then I was at a friends house today and it was on TV. The same wiggle was going on. Anyone else have this film on DVD and noticed the same issue, especially during scenes where the actors aren't moving a lot? Makes me wonder if a bad copy got copied and copied...


I watched this last night and noticed the same thing. I recently got the DVD through Netflix. It was real obvious at some points. I don't remember it being like this




Interesting, haven't noticed this.

I own you.


Watching it right now on TV. Noticeable shaking going on during the scene where the Amigos first meet the banditos.


I have seen this movie a thousand times and never noticed that, and I have the original DVD too. Maybe newer DVDs and tv movie have been remastered or otherwise altered and they messed it up?
