MovieChat Forums > Three Amigos! (1986) Discussion > steve martin's lasso scene

steve martin's lasso scene

i read that steve martin is actually an accomplished lasso artist and he did the lasso scene in three amigos himself. however, that scene seems too polished and fake. were there any camera tricks or equipment involved?


the thing that threw me off with that scene is that he tosses the lasso away so you can't see if it's been tampered with or not. I bet it was glued together or something. If not, well then he's a badass.


When he throws it away, it collapses like a normal lasso.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


If you read the recent article on the 3 Amigos reunited feature in Empire magazine (which, by the way is awesome!) the director states that Steve Martin is actually skilled with a rope and did his own lassoo work in that scene


Steve Martin is skilled with....everything! Accomplished musician, legendary stand-up, gifted actor, comic skills through the roof, and you can't just say, "he can write". He has written novels (comic - both goofy and sophisticated), movies (same), at least one serious, acclaimed play, songs....the guy can do it all. Whatever you think of him you have to admit he is multi-talented.

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.


Yeah, Steve Martin is a fvckin' Jedi....


I know it's been 3 years, but you forgot to mention balloon animals.

Why is it whenever I'm having fun, it's wrong?


i hope there were no tricks involved or I would be CVUSHED!!!!!

made you look

