worst poster of all time?

I'm referring to the one where spock and kirk are 'beaming' down to earth - http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/8400000/Star-Trek-IV-The-Voyage-Home-poster-star-trek-movies-8475628-1728-2560.jpg

that is... wow. the caricature punk rocker! the village people cop! the goofy ass cartoony drawing! the RAINBOW BEAM! hilarious stuff.


I feel like that was probably used to appeal to the non-trek fans who were more into summer blockbusters. And if so, than it served it's purpose. (Seeing as TVH was seen by alot of non-trekkies.)

"Super Bowl XLVIII will be most evenly-matched Super Bowl in 32 years"- AH_Fan


If you noticed also, the movie's title was flipped, 'The Voyage Home' appearing boldly above the noticeably smaller 'Star Trek IV'. This poster was likely made up for international audiences because of the lackluster performance of #3 outside the U.S.



First time I saw this 2015.
It's better than those bad dvd covers.


I remember seeing this on a VHS cover a very long time ago, or something incredibly similar to it but I think I might be confusing it with the below picture.


Similar, having "The Voyage Home" larger than Star Trek IV.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.
