MovieChat Forums > SpaceCamp (1986) Discussion > stupidest peptalk ever

stupidest peptalk ever

when catherine is freaking out and can't get the shuttle straight, Andy is suppose speak inspiring words of wisdom that will get her to calm down and handle the job. But all she comes up with is: "we talked about when it would be your turn. This is it".
I was like "du-huh, i could of figured that out myself, not very deep is it?"


How about Kevin saying to Katherine when she is locking cooridinates in "whats the worst that can happen? We all die, right, and we die if you don't do it, so just relax, you're panicked." REAL inspiring LOL


Actually I thought what Kevin said was kind of great. You can sit on your butt and wait to die or try something to maybe live.


Exactly. His whole point was that either they try something now or they die because they didn't have enough oxygen to make it to the next window. Whatever she does, Katherine can't possibly make things worse because without her they are dead anyone.


Well, to Andi's credit, she was semi-concious. She had physical injuries and had been floating around in space for quite a long time. I agree that it was a corny line, but if you're not "all there," you might say something like that!


I am with CeeCee Green on this. but there are worse peptalks [if that is what you can call them] in this movie than this one.

Because someday, you're goin' up. But the only way that will happen is if you have every drill here down better than everyone else. There's no room for mistakes. Every 'i' dotted, every 't' crossed. That's the way I learned it. That's the way you'll learn it. You copy?

Andi: Quiet! Shut up! I don’t want to hear about it. I can’t hear it, you know why? Because you’re all dead. You just disintegrated during re-entry. Don’t you understand what that means? You're all dead because you didn't work together as a team. And you're responsible.
You are the shuttle commander. That means you are responsible for everything that happens on this ship.
I didn't ask to be responsible, remember!
That's a lousy excuse for killing four people.

this one was pretty cool:
Kevin: [Kevin is trying to give Max the courage to save Andy during a space walk, in an Obi-Wan Kenobi voice] Luke... Luke! Use the Force, Luke... stretch out your feelings... The Force is always with you...

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more. Edmund Blackadder.
