DVD special edition
This can be found at some Walmarts for $4.88 on one of those cardboard display islands of bargain movies.
shareThis can be found at some Walmarts for $4.88 on one of those cardboard display islands of bargain movies.
shareI got mine for 3.88 :)
shareThe movie is a damn masterpiece and shouldn't go for less than 10.
shareTons of "masterpieces" (btw, im not mocking it, just sayin that "masterpiece" is an opinion that folks will differ on) for $4.88 (or $4.48 where im located) in those Wal-mart bins. Why complain about it? More folks will see it the cheaper it is. I'm going to go hunting this weekend for it in those bins after seeing that bit of info... This film reduced me to tears more than once while viewing it.
shareA well-done special edition...worth the value pricing and then some.