MovieChat Forums > Platoon (1987) Discussion > Tom Hardy or Tom Berenger?

Tom Hardy or Tom Berenger?

I've seen this film a few times before but after watching it again last night I realised 90% of Tom Hardy's performances seem very similar to Berenger's in this. Does anyone agree? He even does the same little grunts after his lines. More recently in his role in The Revenant he looked like he had at least studied Berenger in this.



Had the same thought. Just saw this film for the first time yesterday and thought, man, if they were making this movie today it would totally be Tom Hardy in that role. He reminded me of TH right away.


Same! It's a great performance by Berenger.



Cheers for that insightful response.


Well spotted.. Tom hardy based his performance in the reverant on Sgt Barnes..


Just got round to watching The Revenant and Tom Hardy was tremendous in it. He stole the whole movie, I think. I'm glad he's inspired by such a great actor in Berenger and Hardy's homage to him is great; it's like he's keeping that old school spirit alive in movies of today.

My name is Hendry William French
