Question for Vietnam Vets
Apologies in advance if this is inappropriate to ask straight out, but does this movie exaggerate the brutality and pervasive ambiguity of this conflict? Watching this is so, what is a word..... Devastating?
As far as the retaliation upon (possible) civilians in the village shortly after seeing your brothers in arms brutally killed gives me pause to pass judgment (except for the child rape-- that unquestionably is sick, IMO). However, I (perhaps naively) would hope that sort of thing was an anomaly, not commonplace. I know about the Mi Lai/Lt Calley incident -- it was clear that this was a severe breach of appropriate conduct (even if one was "following orders") thus it was duly prosecuted, leading me to believe (hope?) that murdering unarmed civilians was not something the military white washed, or turned a blind eye to.
Anyway: is Platoon a realistic depiction, or a hyperbolic dramatization of the few rogue soldiers who "lost" their moral compass from enduring unimaginable brutality, stress and duress.
I can only assume the part about murdering your own guys was just a plot enhancer, can't fathom that was in any way realistic.
Just curious. Thanks in advance for any first-hand insight.