MovieChat Forums > Murphy's Law (1986) Discussion > How's this different from the Death Wish...

How's this different from the Death Wish films?

I've seen all the Death Wish movies and am on a Bronson kick. I've heard Murphy's Law is a good one to see, but the plot sounds just like Death Wish, except that he's a cop and not an architect. Is this worth seeing, or is it simply a rehash of Death Wish?


I wouldn't necessarily call it a Death Wish-type movie, it's more like Dirty Harry in a way; a tough (but alcoholic) cop who has to break a few rules in order to get the job done. Plus the Bronson character even has a similar Dirty Harry catch-phrase: "Don't *beep* with Jack Murphy!" So I highly recommend it. They sure don't make cop movies like this anymore. In fact, watching Murphy's Law everytime always reminds me how much I miss the 1980s.

And if you like your Bronson movies really bloody and violent, check out Ten To Midnight and The Evil That Men Do.


Thanks for the advice. I'll probably check them all out. My favorite Bronson movie though is "Hard Times." A classic.


not a rehash. I recommend all the films Bronson did with Cannon.

At least the ones I've seen. This, 10 TO MIDNIGHT, and DEATH WISH 2-4. all pretty good

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The violence in this movie is perpetrated by a completely different type of villain in this film. Can't get much more into the differences without spoiling it for you. Bronson isn't out for revenge here. Aesthetically, it looks like Death Wish, the other post was accurate in describing Bronson in it as a Dirty Harry-type character.


actually if you think about it this movie has some very similar themes to sudden impact. so yes its definitely on par more with the dirty harry series.

only in this movie of course the woman is getting revenge on the main good guy of the movie and anyone he knows, rather than the bad guys. but both all the same very disturbing females.


In this one he's not a vigilante, he's trying to prove he's innocent of some killings.
