Post your favorite Arabella McGee insults!
When they're in the helicopter...she calls him "Airwolf"
When they're in the helicopter...she calls him "Airwolf"
Camel crotch
Barf bag
Snot rag
Scrotum cheeks
Dildo nose
Toe jam
Monkey vomit
Anchovy breath
Butt crust
Dinosaur dork
Sperm bank
Pubic hair
Snot-licking donkey fart
Anything else?
Anything else?
Sergeant Dickbrain
Weeny Roast
Buffalo s h i t
Booger Bits
"It's not that tough being a film cricket."
That's nearly a perfect list.
sharethis is a great topic for this movie! wish i had read it before i watched it, but i know one thing, murphy's tagline had to be changed on the dvd cover since its not language suited to have on there "don't mess with jack murphy"?... right... that's what he says in the movie. its grotesque but i've seen enough to have gotten used to the cannon formula now, and i had seen this years ago as a teenager when cannon movies are at their best for watching, this is insane but at least cannon has got action, you got to give it that, notice they didn't even get the stuntman to match bronson's hair colour... funny that both leading ladies were outrageous they almost reminded of a mother and daughter... i think this is the first time i've seen this movie with "jack" at the beginning of the title.
if i leave,
in a twinkle you draw me back in,
sometimes show a hint,
mystery you got within,
this magic being,
a whirlwind you got inside,
controlling the atmosphere and mind,
like a supernatural form of life,
using the most beautiful woman as disguise,
shine so bright make others around blur off,
as with a pink shirt you glow up the dark,
at winter like a ladybug at an early spring start,
like a gentlemanbug want to all over you crawl,
with the weather darlin breathe new life in me,
my soul will go to sleep,
if you leave.
I believe my favorite was, "scrotum cheeks!"