Looking For The Workprint

Hi All,

I've read the following on the alternate versions page:

• Around late December of 2012 or early January 2013, Deleted and alternate scenes popped up on the Internet. They claim to be from from "the only work print ever shown to preview audiences." These scenes include: -A slightly different prologue with no titles and a different narrator. (This narrator is the one used on the film's official soundtrack) -A deleted line from Audrey: "You don't meet nice boys when you live on Skid Row, Mr. Mushnik" -There are various alternate shots of people singing in "Skid Row (Downtown)" -There is an alternate shot of the 3 girls singing before "Grow for Me" -A shot of Wink Wilkerson during his shooting sound effects, he says "What a rotten shot" -An alternate orchestration and a few different "feeding" shots of "Some Fun Now" (Like the Prologue, this version, as opposed to the one in the movie is on the actual soundtrack of the film) -In the dentist's office before he dies, there's a shot of Orin laughing and yelling "Oh God!" over and over. (Also far in the background it almost sounds like someone's saying "Cut!") -Seymour feeding Orin to Audrey II is significantly longer, more violent, and has a different orchestration. There are more shots of Seymour chopping him up as well as a shot of Seymour feeding Orin's other leg and head to Audrey II. -"The Meek Shall Inherit" is in it's entirety. The Limo driver says "...and you're a meek little guy" in a deep voice, it's unclear as to whether or not he may be Levi Stubbs. The song is, once again, the same as on the official soundtrack. -There's an alternate scene with Seymour and Audrey where he talks about the plant and if she would still like him if he wasn't famous. It's pretty close to the stage version, except a gag near the end where they break out into "Suddenly Seymour" and then it abruptly stops. It was reused in the Theatrical Ending. -The original ending sequence where Audrey II takes over and rampages through New York in a B-Movie fashion is in color. It differs only slightly from the Blu-Ray "Directors Cut", mainly the end, it just cuts to black and says "THE END?!?"(An abbreviated cut of this version of "Don't Feed The Plants" is on the film's soundtrack)

Does anyone have the full workprint or know where to get it? If so please get in touch, I have lots to trade.

Many thanks
