MovieChat Forums > Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Discussion > So, the remake is upon us.....

So, the remake is upon us.....

Little Shop of Horrors is my favourite film and has been since I was about 6 years old. I watched it so much through the years that as a kid I wore out two VHS copies, and one DVD copy in my teenage years. I was hoping it would never be remade as it is practically perfect, but it seems the time has come for Hollywood to yet again turn to remaking older properties through lack of new ideas.

I guess if it is being remade, a pro could be the choice of producers and writers they're working around. Although JGL is far too good looking to play Seymour, and good luck finding someone who could ever top Ellen!

I am intrigued to see if they'll use a puppet or be lazy and turn to using an awful CGI rendering.


Huh. I read a different article a few months ago which led me to believe Levitt was planning on remaking the 1960 film, not the 1986 one.

Personally I could see Levitt in the role, and if they were doing an honest-to-god horror movie featuring the plant gruesomely munching down people, I'd be totally in, even with CGI.... but a remake of a remake penned by a Glee writer? Wow, Hollywood's really out of ideas, aren't they?


Not surprising.


Even though I adore Little Shop of Horrors, I wouldn't be totally opposed to a remake. The Oz version is meant to be more of a black comedy, I've always wanted to see one that was more dark and stuck to the original ending of Audrey dying and the plant taking over. I know that wasn't totally his fault but it would be interresting to see a remake as long as it was done right.


The new DVD & Blu Ray coming out Oct. 9th has that ending.


I imagine, like most 'updates,' they'll shoehorn some kind of origin story as to just where Audrey II came from, since alot of films these days are afraid their audience will be sad and confused if all the questions aren't answered.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Damn this movie is STILL to young to be remade IMO.

But yeah IMO CGI will ruin it, I think those hand made effects were perfect. PPL are in such a hurry to get everything CGIed.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


If they do remake Little Shop, it should be a bloodier, R-rated version, with the original downbeat ending, of course. And I'd love to see someone like Seth MacFarlane direct it; considering how much of a fan he is of the movie, it would be perfect for him, especially now that his career as a film director has taken off with the success of Ted. I'd also love to see Emmy Rossum play Audrey I in the remake.


The remake is not happening guys...

We were prepared to ask all those questions and more when we saw Gordon-Levitt at Comic-Con. After a press conference for Looper, which also presented talent and footage in Hall H, we approached Gordon-Levitt on his way out of the room. However, before we could finish telling him we were excited he’s attached to Little Shop, he corrected us.

“Oh, I’m not,” Gordon-Levitt said, adding, and here’s the kicker, “I never was.”



I actually like the revival starring Hunter Foster, Kerry Butler and Douglas Sills more than the original.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!


it's funny when people talk about the original ending being the plants take over. it's yes the original ending to the (1986) film and the play. but it's NOT the original ending to the (1960) film and i've never heard otherwise that it was.


When people talk about the original ending they're talking about the original to the musical version of "Little Shop of Horrors" and not the original version. Technically the ending of the 1960 film is that Seymore gets eaten when he tries to kill the plant for ruining his life

The original film is lesser known than the musical so when people talk about the original ending they are technically correct because they are referring to the musical version.

It's like comparing "The Little Mermaid" in all family-oriented forms of media to the original story. Other than quite a few differences between the two films, the original ending to the books is a bitter sweet sad ending which has nothing to do with any evil witch whereas the ending everyone knows from Disney and all other copycats is that the Little Mermaid lived happily ever after with her prince.


oh i know and it really is sad how not as many people haven't seen the original classic. Roger Corman is my favorite Producer of all time. so i've seen prolly over 100 of his films actually prolly almost 200 of them and i'm still nowhere near seeing all of his films. IMDB doesn't list all of his films. cause some of them he isn't credited for and some of them he distributed oversees like he put out Amaracord' in (1974) in the states for example. i haven't seen that one yet.

anything to with him i watch the good the bad and as i call it the ugly.


Haha its funny that you compare this to The Little Mermaid considering Alan Menken and Howard Ashman wrote that as well as Little Shop. Unless that was your intent


I don't think a remake needs to happen, but I'm curious to see where they go with it. I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and think he would be a good Seymour, and there are different directions to take this movie. I personally would love to see how dark the musical can get. I like the idea of Little Shop of Horrors being a dark, twisted, almost mean-spirited story that hides its true nature behind a happy, upbeat Motown-inspired score. Too many people like to play up the goofiness of it while forgetting how dark things really get.

If a remake does happen, I say go all-out with it. Make the kind of movie that will have certain people squirming uncomfortably in their seats and other people laughing at the cynical black humor. I love stuff like that even though so many people don't understand it.

Also, the plant should be a damn puppet. I don't want to see the most convincing puppet I've ever seen on film turned into another generic CG effect.


$5 says Lady Gaga gets cast as Audrey...

My ignore list is much too long for a sig line. Do not assume you are not on it.


And if JGL still doesn't want to do it, they can always teach Jay Baruchel to sing...?

The definition of insanity is to marry Charlie Sheen and expect the results to be different.
