There's going to be a remake?

I read about this on a list. [p] Some articles kept saying Joseph Gordon-Levitt was "attached" to the possible remake, which sounded more possible than possible. But he supposedly isn't involved anymore. As much as I like Levitt…Rick Moranis was perfect in my opinion. I can't imagine another actor. Also Audrey II or "Twoey" (they only mention this in the closed caption, what?) was done so well I don't think I wold want to see another version of that. I bet it would look amazing, but…There's just something about the 80's feel.


I hope not. I agree the musical movie is perfect. While I do like Joseph he seems a bit too cool to play seymour. Seymour is supposed to be a goof. Rick moranis was beyond perfect for seymour and what was cool about Ellen Greene playing Audrey was that she played her in the original broadway version. I heard Scarlett johansson was also considered for Audrey in the remake. In my honest opinion HELL NO!!!! She's a great actress but every movie I see her in she's just playing herself and I don't think should ever play Audrey. If anything I'd love to see Ellen Greene return to play Audrey,but she's 60 something now. But really it just grinds my gears to hear them bring up a remake and it doesn't help that I'm playing seymour in a production where I get my inspiration from Rick's seymour.


My idea for a cast:

Seymour: Not sure
Audrey: Kirsten Dunst
Mushnik: Not sure
Orin: Alan Cumming or Sacha Baron Cohen
Audrey II: Russell Crowe (you read correct)
Patrick Martin: Johnny Depp

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.
