Maybe in another 20 years we'll get a re-release with the work print.
After watching the deleted and extended scenes posted from the test screening work print, I'm no longer satisfied with the "director's cut" we've been given. The theatrical cut of the film with an overlong alternate ending pegged on at the end really doesn't help make the movie any better. The work print of the film has a huge tonal difference from the theatrical version. The creepier, more ominous intro voice, the inclusion of more gore, more scenes between Audrey and Seymour that makes the ending that much more tragic, and of course the extended Meek Shall Inherit really change the overall feeling of the movie, and I absolutely love it. I really wish the people behind the 2012 release really took the time to put out a satisfying product. All of that, really good, extra footage went to waste and aside from what's been posted on Vimeo, it bothers me that it may never see the light of day.