1) Daniel at that time didn't know of Johnnys financial circumstances, but either way looking down on your former bully is not dishonourable. Tacky or lacking in class maybe.
2) I think you are forgetting what happened to Daniel himself courtesy of Cobra Kai students. Lets not forget stealing the medal of honour and trashing the LaRusso residence by the modern Cobra Kais.
3) I don't recall that, but Daniel asked the owner to increase Johnnys rent not everyone elses.
4) Johnny may not be his financial equal but he is a rival nonetheless. Also, lets not forget that Terry silver is a billionaire.
5) It wasn't so much frowned upon as them not even realising it was a thing. The committee showed lenience towards Johnny seeing as he was not part of what happened 35 years previous and none of the participants at the time were around anymore. Daniels objections were based on his personal experience. He should have given Johnny a chance but he was afraid. Not dishonourable...frightened.
6) Representing the LaRusso family? Ok. Ask yourself this. If Louie were to go to Daniel and tell him what he was going to do, do you think Daniel would have agreed. Because that then would have been dishonourable. As it was Daniels reaction wasn't 'Yeah, nice one Louie'. Quite the opposite in fact.
7) No. Bobby may have delayed the beating, but that was down to thinking Daniel had had enough. He was still complicit up until that point. Bobby apologized simply because he was ordered to do something that cost him a place in the final. Cobra Kai (ie Johnny, Bobby and co) didn't bother him again because he beat them all.
8) But they still weren't acting on Daniels orders. Yes he should have called the police and saved further misunderstanding.
9) So because Johnny wasn't there either he's the superior Sensei? That makes no sense. If you believe him to be superior you need to do better than that. If you prefer him to Daniel then that's a matter of opinion. Incidentally, I prefer him to Daniel.
Yes. Miyagi would frown upon all of this. He would say it was a stupid misunderstanding.