Some interesting responses to the original post. I didn't grow up in the US so I can't comment on how easy or difficult it would have been for people to uncover the "secret" and what they would have done had they known.
I think the key is that his ban was NY state-wide, which, of course, has no official application to him coaching in Indiana. The ban didn't apply so he was free to coach.
Would parents have been prepared to accept a coach with that background? It's my guess that, if they knew at the beginning, they would have stopped the principal from hiring him. If they had known at the town meeting it would have seen him sacked. In fact, when Myra got up to speak at the town meeting, and unfolded the piece of paper in front of her, I think Coach Dale thought that she was about to read to the meeting the same article she had read to him. He knew that would be the end if it.
And I think that had been her original intention. But she realised she believed in him, maybe because Jimmy did, maybe for other reasons. She decided to support him instead and keep the secret to herself.
Once the team were winning, I don't think the townspeople would have cared if they found out he was a convicted serial killer :-) They were winning!!