MovieChat Forums > Hombre mirando al sudeste (1987) Discussion > Anyone like K-PAX, despite being a rip-o...

Anyone like K-PAX, despite being a rip-off?

While watching K-Pax, I was fully aware it was a ripoff, but I hated it entirely independently of that. Spacey's character was so smug and predictable and the whole thing felt like a morality tale written by a 10-year-old.

I imagine a lot of you hated it because it's a ripoff. But for those who could see it objectively, did you think K-PAX was actually any good?


I have to admit that the film sucked beyond words, but I love the books.


Yeah I thought it was good.


I haven't seen it and after knowing that it's just another rip-off from Hollywood I am not planning to see it jamás! Not even to compare it.


i dont think this is the usual case of a film being ripped off by hollywood.

this is a film on the fringe of hollywood. yes it has some big stars, but spacey has been known for his theatre work and smaller film productions.

dont forget, the first book came out in 1995 and the author claimed to not have heard about this film until 5 years after that. if he is telling the truth then it just shows that nothing is an original idea.

k-pax is based on the book, not this film. ive not seen it but id be willing to say that although the set-up may be similar its similarities end there. many films share the same set-ups, but its the content and the sub-texts that make then individual. isnt there the belief that there are only really a few original stories? like 5 or 6? i cant remember which but it shows that you shouldnt judge a film before youve seen it.

kinematico, dont compare the films, enjoy them as separate. i love k-pax but im interested in seeing man facing southeast, not as a comparison, but as a seperate film. i also have the 3 k-pax books and am looking forward to reading them when i get the chance.


I like K-Pax. Less psychological & less romantic, but more poetic than Hombre mirando al sudeste.


I loved both films (K-Pax a little bit more) and I see there are similiarities, but there's plenty of own ideas and different storylines on both films.
Not to mention the style of the films, "Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste" is much darker and private than "K-Pax"

Anyways, the theme is quite simple and typical, I've seen books and older films about the subject so... Producers of K-Pax could be telling the truth.

BTW, I'm from Argentina :P
