DVD release???

When will this brilliant film be released on DVD??? It was screened on UK TV as part of a Latin American season in 1989, but unfotunately I didn't tape it. Does anyone know if this available on DVD (maybe in South America)?


Nop, no answers on that, I was looking for the DVD myself and i has not been released in southamerica, even in Argentina. I check web sites in Spain and of course US. I guess we have to wait for it.

I Think i can find it on VHS here in Chile, but at very bad quality (old tape).




I think you can get a VHS copy at Eddie Brandt's Saturday Matinee. I am checking with Netflix; maybe they have some clout with the industry.


One of the movies that I most want to get a DVD release. I'm a huge fan of K-PAX, and thus an very intrigued by this film. I hate to think that one of my favourite films might be a blatant ripoff of this, though it would look that way.

Death is but a door, time is but a window...I will be back.


it really is superior to "K-Pax," which I thought was rather good. But it has been so many years since I've seen the original - it was showing on cable in the late 80s, and I haven't seen it since then.


not long ago was release a version of it, in Dvd, and I have it, if you want a copy I can send one for free, but I live in Chile, so you have to pay the shipping and handling, by the way I have to check if it has it english subs, but I think it does.


hace muchos anos, yo mire "Hombre mirando al sudeste" y me gusto mucho.
yo pagaria para que usted me mandara una copia.
estoy pensando en talvez hacer un remake en ingles, con el permiso de senor subiela, por supesto.
y si esto no es posible, todavia me gustaria ver la pelicula de nuevo.
se puede pagar por paypal?
jonny lewis


You can buy this movie on DVD region 1 & 4 NTSC. It's available in México. But if you don't speak spanish don't bother because this release comes sans subtitles.

Anyway in case you are still interested, visit this site:


just type the spanish title in the search box and that's all.


Can someone get me a copy in spanish, with english subtitles? I keep getting vhs tapes w/ english voiceover, which is terrible!! you can reach me at [email protected]


Kino Lorber will release this on DVD & Blu-Ray on Dec. 13.
