movie - marx brothers

What movie Allen watches before try suicide. It is A night in the opera.


Duck Soup.

"Reality is the new fiction they say, truth is truer these days, truth is man-made"


Duck Soup

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You know what I love about that scene? In the narration he doesn't say what movie it is because it's obviously not relevant to his story and he's not trying to be like, 'HEY it's a MARX BROTHER'S FILM called DUCK SOUP!' It's not in his character to name drop a film and I think that shows good writing on Allen's part. It's the kind of thing I can see happening in a more pretentious/ 'wannabe cultured' film where the screenwriter wants to add all these overt and unnecessary nods and references to films/art/music. Yes, you could argue Allen does that a lot but, to me it never seems unnecessary and just seems like something those type of characters would say and do and NOT simply what the screenwriter wants to slip in. To me that is the difference between Woody Allen and a lot of young screenwriters who love their references.
Anyways, this is totally off topic... :)


I think your analysis is spot on. Woody's cultural references tie in with the type of characters in his scripts and they are never pretentious or superfluous. That's the difference between a great writer and one who think he is but is not.


I watched the film AGAIN tonight. I agree that leaving out the name of the film in the narration was effective.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
