MovieChat Forums > Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Discussion > This has nothing over Another Woman or I...

This has nothing over Another Woman or Interiors

This film didn't nearly affect me as much as Another Woman and Interiors - two films that are hardly ever placed on people's Top 5's of Woody Allen films. Maybe it was because its tone isn't so melancholy or something - I mean, Marion's life was such a cold and empty one throughout the film and then at the end she had the epiphany that basically changed ~60 years of being like that...Hannah and Her Sisters just didn't have such an immense relief from the pressure built up through Marion's repressed life...

To be honest, I enjoyed Hannah and Her Sisters, but it just didn't have the same profound message Another Woman had nor the fantastic ending of Interiors - did anyone else have the same experience? Maybe it's down to my own personal experiences and how they relate to the characters'? Or is the fact Another Woman and Interiors are very heavily based on Ingmar Bergman's work enough for people to consider them lesser Allen works?

At a risk of sounding like the guy in the cinema queue in Annie Hall, I shall end my thoughts here...


I haven't seen the other two films you mentioned but I wasn't much of a fan of this film.. I found it pretty boring and a little odd to say the least. I find it hard to believe that Hannah would set her ex husband up with her sister - they all had a very odd, dysfunctional relationship. I know most families have an aspect of weirdness but I just didn't really buy it.


That's kind of a strange thing to point out as being weird. People do far stranger things in real life for any number of reasons or sometimes for no reason at all. Hannah setting up Mickey and Holly actually makes sense because Hannah, as the film points out pretty clearly, only strives to take care of other people, while neglecting herself (textbook co-dependent, imo) She wants to make sure everyone is okay, even if it means setting up her ex husband with her somewhat lost sister. Keep in mind, she absolutely worships her current husband, Elliot, yet she still cares about Mickey very much and probably felt badly for him that he was alone (and sterile).

As for you finding boring, to each his own. I wouldn't criticize anyone for that. Although, if you were bored by this, I couldn't imagine you getting through an hour of "Interiors" and "Another Woman". (Both good films, but devoid of any of the humor or energy and story as "Hannah" and also really depressing.
