crazy uncle at Thanksgiving

this little scene gem escaped me for every past viewing of this film except this time. I noticed the uncle boozing it up with a bunch of little kids. One girl is sitting on his lap and he wants her to drink some more, but she shakes her head no, this is such a funny, weird, troubling scene.
where are the kids parents? no one is being supervised? Is the uncle getting the kids drunk out of spite? Or because it is funny? Do you think he has untoward motives?


I think the uncle thinks it is funny. I feel it was irresponsible. The family members we viewers know well by the end of the picture - the mother, Lee and Holly - have had problems with substance abuse.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


he's trying to lighten the mood.

Season's Greetings


One of those kids is Soon-yi Previn


Holy hell this is why kids are no longer allowed to walk to the park by themselves. You people freak out about every little thing. It's Thanksgiving. People booze it up on the holidays. That's not new. In other countries, kids are allowed to drink. That's not new and it's not that big of a deal. Letting kids have a little bit of alcohol won't make them drunks when they grow up. (No it really doesn't.) And what is the nonsense about no one being supervised? They're at a party - not in a swimming pool!

You flip out about that scene, but aren't bothered at all when Elliot and Lee are getting drunk at the hotel room when he knows she goes to AA. Why is that ok?

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.
