Hearing (spoilers)

Just a neat little connection I picked up on this, my 20th (or something ridiculous), viewing:

If you flatten out the flashbacks into a linear narrative, you get Mickey and Holly going on an awful date at a rock show after which Mickey complains he's never heard anything so loud and that he jokingly thinks he's lost hearing in an ear.

He does lose his hearing, goes through the tests, the life crisis, etc., which leads him, after making a spiritual breakthrough, back to Holly at the end. Cool non-linear arc.


That's brilliant! Hearing could also be related to the ability to communicate to sustain a relationship- one of the main themes of the movie.


Of course, I don't think it's ever really established that the hearing loss is physical rather than psychosomatic. After all, there's even a scene title saying "the hypochondriac".



It's not a connection. If you watched it 20 times you would know the hearing loss occurred only a month prior to his doctor's appt. The date was well over a month earlier. Hearing loss doesn't just spontaneously happen years later from one loud concert.

It was a JOKE and something meant to tie the scenes together. You're reading more into it than it needs to be. And it's certainly not a spoiler. Why did you add that to the trivia??? Stupid personal (misdirected) theories are NOT trivia ugh

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.
