Was Holly/Wiest's singing supposed to be bad?
The way it was set up, when her character Holly was shopping with Hannah, they talked about her audition for a musical, and Hannah was a bit dubious since she didn't think of Holly as really being able to sing. Holly protested that she could sing, more or less; but she didn't sound very convinced herself.
Then we see her sing a song at the audition, and to my ears it sounded quite good! The producers or directors or whoever, who were listening to people audition, seemed complimentary but not in a fake or "just being polite" kind of way. She apparently did not get the part, though (I'm not sure if that was the one she was rejected for because she had a "weird look"?). So I'm not sure how we are supposed to take that audition. In that respect it reminds me, actually, of the comedy material seen at the end of The King of Comedy.
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