Weren't crossbows originally invented to get bolts through plate armor? So wouldn't they go a lot further in than 3-8 cm? I mean, people kill deer with those things at surprisingly long distances, and deer aren't much smaller than adult humans.
And if you shoot at the human back and the bolt goes in 3-8 cm, there are still plenty of deadly places it could hit. You could puncture a lung or some of the larger blood vessels, or sever the spinal column, or if you hit a spleen, liver, kidney, stomach, or intestines, your victim could die from blood loss or infection, although not immediately. Although again the biggest determining factor in whether any of these hits actually kill your victim depend on whether you're close to a modern trauma center. With most of the sites in question, if you get proper medical help you live, if you're out in the wilderness you probably die.
If you're interested in seeing what goes where and how close all the vital organs are to the back, I recommend going to google images and looking up CT (computed tomography) slides. Search "CT chest" or "CT abdomen" to see pictures.
PS: Ignore that other guy, he's mad at me because I like the new Star Wars movies. No, really!