sweet dear brother numsi

What does is mean when people say "my sweet dear brother numsi?" i've never seen this movie but everyone always says it


In short: Chandler Jarrell (Eddie Murphy) is making fun of Sardo Numspa (Charles Dance) at a border check....

Why don't you rent the movie if you're so curious...?!

More quotes here btw:





I've watched the movie many times and I still don't understand the line. Does Brother Numsi have a specific meaning or is it just a mispronounciation of Numspa?

Still voting Democrat? You're stuck on stupid!


Duke: Well duh! Of course "Brother Numsi" is a parody of sorts of "Numspa"....

RIP Ian....



Just to add on to nytesprite's answer:

When Chandler(Eddie) first encounters Sardo Numspa, it's in a dream...so he never actually believes Sardo is real until he wakes up with a burn on his arm that Sardo inflicted in his dream...Sardo is pure evil, son and/or servant of the devil; the reason he mispronounces Chandler's last name as "Yarrell" is because it's actually "Jarrell", starting with the letter "J" like in Jesus and Sardo either can't or won't pronounce it correctly

