MovieChat Forums > The Golden Child (1986) Discussion > Anyone know what middled aged asian man ...

Anyone know what middled aged asian man was saying to Chandler?

Near the beginning of the movie when chandler was first introduced to Dr Hong, there was an asian man resting on the "massage bed".

Obviously the whole point of that scene was, unless the person watching can speak chinese, the rest of us are made to feel like Chandler and not know what the man is talking about.

So anyone know what was being said? After all these years, it feels wierd to watch that scene and feel like you don't fully know what's happening because you don't understand what is being said.


Absolutely, I would like to know, too.

There have been other films with untranslated scenes that I have inquired about. The respondents haven't needed to be experts, just needed to have gotten some idea of what was said from someone else, or have learned enough to have gotten the jist of it.

(For the record, the only Chinese I can recall is "Thank you", or "dole chair", because my wife asked about it in a Chinese restaurant years ago. Naturally, that's the only phrase the Chinese doctor translated for Chandler in that scene.

I suppose I can take a look around the subtitle sites for something someone might have made for that scene. But until then, does anyone have any idea what the gentleman on the table was saying?


They are speaking Cantonese and from the sounds of it your wife was in a Cantonese restaurant when she was told what Chinese for thank you is.

Standard Chinese/Mandarin (Cantonese is a regional language not the national language but is related) is different and understood by any Chinese person who has been educated to high school level almost anywhere in China regardless of regional/ethnic languages.

Thank you in Chinese is Xie Xie (sounds a bit like 'she she'). The way to say thank you in Chinese that your wife was told is simply a more polite/older way and also in Cantonese most likely. As Chinese languages are tonal (which means you need to say the right tone not just the right word or it could be another meaning entirely) it's hard to explain in writing alone.

I've been to China a number of times and picked up the's not easy but is a very logical and simple language that hides a very deep linguistic and literary history that matches Latin or Greek easily in my view. Pity about the Government and the communist destruction of their culture.




There is really no plot point to the old man character and what he said is just a lot of random stuff, but what he literally said was, "You've come from such a long ways to see me. I feel very privileged." Then, Eddie Murphy says "thank you" to him in Cantonese. The old man then says, "Don't worry, a lot of people from faraway come to see this doctor - everybody says he is good." And, after the doctor told him to put his shirt back on, the old man said, "I'll let you see him (the doctor) in my place, no kidding, it's the truth."


by OllieSuave-007 » Wed Jul 29 2015 21:20:34 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since September 1999
There is really no plot point to the old man character and what he said is just a lot of random stuff, but what he literally said was, "You've come from such a long ways to see me. I feel very privileged." Then, Eddie Murphy says "thank you" to him in Cantonese. The old man then says, "Don't worry, a lot of people from faraway come to see this doctor - everybody says he is good." And, after the doctor told him to put his shirt back on, the old man said, "I'll let you see him (the doctor) in my place, no kidding, it's the truth."
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Thanks for finally straightening that out.
I've been waiting for a response, literally for years. lol.


No problem!
