Why cant Sardo Numspa say the letter J
I dont know the reason, can anybody elaborate?
Is it because of God being named Jehovah?
I dont know the reason, can anybody elaborate?
Is it because of God being named Jehovah?
You must be an american.......
shareAnd you must be an ignorant, cultural bigot who gets his/her kicks from being unnecessarily rude to a person asking an innocent question.
Isn't the internet grand? You get to be a jerk to someone, and never look them in the eye.
I wasn`t trying to be rude at all. Americans pronounce the letter J differently than most europeans and people from other continents. Thats all.
So that would make you someone who automathically percieves something as something negative, each time you misunderstand something. However in this case: its probably my fault that you misunderstood. I did express my response quite clumsily after all. But it doesn`t make me ignorant. Look the word up in the dictionary before using it.
Well, I definitely apologize for misunderstanding your post and being rude myself. Looking at your post again, I can see what you're saying, and I feel silly.
shareIts no problem. No hard feelings at all on my part. As I said: I did express myself clumsily in my first post. So I do understand why someone might have misunderstood it. So lets split the blame 50-50 and forget about it.
Wow - I just wanted to express my appreciation for the civility expressed in this thread, after the misunderstanding....
Nice to see people - even in this digital age of anonymity - admit when they are wrong and apologize... major kudos to you both.
Formula of my happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal. ~ Nietzsche
Wow - I just wanted to express my appreciation for the civility expressed in this thread, after the misunderstanding....
Nice to see people - even in this digital age of anonymity - admit when they are wrong and apologize... major kudos to you both.
sometimes it does not take very much.
Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck
In many languages J, or its equivalent if there is one, is pronounced as a Y sound. The J sound comes from the German glutteral, which gives it a harsher sound that remains in some English dialects, because J has a more prounounced sound in English. In most German dialects J is prounounced as a Y sound. When speaking a foriegn language one will naturally use their native pronounciation of letters, and it is hard to learn certian pronounciations that one is not acclaimated with.
God's name is literally transliterated at YHWH (no vowels in Hebrew scrolls some were added, under the consenants,to books later by the Maserites for pernounciation). Thus YHWH became Yahweh or misprouned Jehoveh (J and H are interchangeable because they are prounounced the same depending on the language, and in Hebrew a vav can be a "w" or "v" or a vowel marker for "o" or "u" depending on the word or pronounciation.
I appologize for any spelling and grammer mistakes in here. Hopefully you find it helpful.
ahhhh, ain'y you two sweet. No Charles Dance screwed the line up, thats all.
We're gonna find out who's the Thing!
R J MacReady
Not true, it is intentional. Not only does he do it multiple times, but Chandler even tries to correct him, saying his name is spelt with a "J", Sardo replies with "I know". It definitely had some sort of (hidden?) meaning. It doesn't explain why in the film, but seeing that Sardo is some kind of anti-Christ figure working for the Devil, it is possible (as many others have suggested) that he avoided pronouncing the letter "J" as an anti tribute to Jesus or Jehova. After all, this is an American movie, and it certainly has religious connotations.
Or there might have been a deleted scene that explained it.
Given that the forces of Good in this movie are represented by a reincarnated Tibetan boy whose other defenders include a medusa-like witch, I really don't think the demon would adjust his pronunciation based on modern Christian spelling.
shareI noticed when he tried to say the adjunte dagger. He misprounces it and he says Ayunte dagger. I thought it was a goof. Maybe not?
shareIt was a pretty high budget film and I'm sure they would have filmed many takes of each scene so I don't think they'd leave a goof like that in.
Jerald is never pronounced 'Herald'. Even in German a 'J' is pronounced as a 'J' as in 'Julias' not a 'H' as in Spanish "Jesus" (Hesus).