Is Tommy Jarvis the worst ever?

I mean I love him in this--this movie is great, but he is so unbearable. This movie is SO nuts, I'm willing to let all my following complaints go, but I'm going to air them out for the hell of it:

How does Tommy get such a beautiful girl interested in him? Every sentence starts with, "Jason..." It's like, man...take a second or two and put on some charm! I'm surprised he wasn't talking about Jason when she shoved his face in her lap. "Jason's out there, and I think you need to remember that..."

His acting is mostly okay, but at times it is ROUGH! Like in the boat at the end. "JASON! IT'S ME YOU WANT, REMEMBER? COME ON YOU POOOSEY!"

And how come he spends all this time researching the occult and his plan is: light the water on fire and chain him to the bottom of the lake? Did the books suggest that?

Honestly though, as a kid I thought that was really BA--the ring of fire, chaining Jason to the bottom. This was the only one where they really planned to take Jason out. It was cool.

