For trivia fans of this movie there is an interesting question about the disappearance of Leanne during the scene where Sally and the kids escape the cave by swimming out. Leanne, the second oldest girl {played by the actress Beth Buchanan}, is totally absent, and no explanation is given. You see her dancing with Sue in the cave before and she emerges into daylight with the other 8 kids and Sally after they all swim to safety. But she is not there with they all organize the escape in the cave.
You see Sally and the other 8 on the water's edge and each swimming underwater. All except Leanne.
Several explanations come to mind. Perhaps she was too modest to appear in her underwear. Or perhaps she was ill when the scene was shot. Or perhaps she couldn't swim.
I watched the movie again yesterday, and it actually deepens the mystery of Leanne's disappearance.
Leanne is not shown in the sequence at the pool. In fact, as the scene opens Sally, the teacher, tells Sue, the younger girl, to pack all the food in the case. This is strange because Sue had left her case back at the school while Leanne had brought her's along. Now Leanne is gone, and Sue is in charge of the case.
And that is not Leanne shown, but Sue with the case.
And again I repeat: Leanne is not shown after they all strip to their underwear.
Even more strange, when they all emerge from the cave both Leanne and Sue are carrying cases.
Btw, I guess these cases are what in America we call lunch boxes.
I thought my previous post would be enough for anyone to spot the missing girl who cared to look. Oh well, I'll try once more to settle it.
I'm not an expert on the character names so forgive me. When the teacher takes the first boy into the water all of the other girls can be seen. The oldest girl wearing the t-shirt and the youngest dark-haired girl are in the front and you can't miss them.
Behind the teacher's head are two, yes two they're both there, girls. The blonde ponytail girl who is later seen in underwear only still has her shirt/sweater on. The mystery girl is just to the left of her with only her head and bare shoulders visible. Look right behind the big bag in the foreground.
The background comes back into focus once the teacher leaves with the boy. Leanne is there. Really. The younger blonde is now behind the oldest girl and you can see movement as she removes her upper clothing.
When the teacher comes back look behind the red bag and to the left of the oldest girl. Well, krikey, that's her. The other three girls are clearly visible at that point.
If I can see all of this on my old VHS then with DVD it shouldn't be a problem.
Please check you copy once more and I bet the look on your face would be priceless.
I have re-checked my DVD, and I still do not see Leanne. If she is shown in some scenes it is very brief.
Indeed, the mystery deepens. If you go back you will see that when the children are first being put in the van Leanne has her case-what we Americans call a lunch box I guess. But Sue the younger girl does not, and she tries to go back for it, but the baddies stop her. Then later when they are first in the cave, when the children begin to eat their lunches Leanne opens her case, but Sue still does not have one. So it is especially strange that when they are then first beside the pool, Sally Jones, the teacher, tells Sue-not Leanne!- to open her case. This despite the fact that the movie earlier has twice made clear that Sue does not have a case.
Later when the girls begin swimming out you see Sue in only her underpants swimming. Indeed, all the other 8 kids are clearly shown swimming out, some more than once. EXCEPT Leanne.
Again, I cannot see Leanne anywhere. If you do and are correct, they can be only very brief headshots. It does not vitiate my point that Leanne plays no part in the escape. But when they all emerge from the cave fully dressed Leanne is in the group again and carrying a case. And strangely Sue is also now carrying a case as well.
All the other children are plainly visible in the escape from the cave and indeed are shown clearly several times. The other 3 girls-Norelle, Sue and Sarah are shown several times as are the 5 boys. All are clearly visible, except Leanne.
She is there (by looking at the picture in my previous reply). But she can really be seen only in brief headshots...All the kids are shown swimming out except her....but I really don't know why...
That was exactly my point. You never see Leanne in her underwear. At most, brief shots of her fully clothed when they are in the tunnel and first emerge beside the pool. BUT never undressed.
Yes, she is hardly seen in the water sequence as you have accurately described. But, she is there hidden in the background of the kids waiting to cross the water. If you need to, then pause the movie and look in the places I described above. Leanne definitely has bare shoulders visible. Perhaps adjusting the bright setting on your screen and turning off the lights would help?
It's up to the actress, editor or director to fill in more blanks whether it's a timing, modesty, water fear, or something else that kept the actress away from the foreground for so long.
I think more was filmed than we saw and it was cut down for time more than content. It's possible all the kids & teacher swimming, reaching the other side, and getting dresses was filmed. We have no way of knowing. The teacher trapped with the young girl is harrowing and memorable, so justifiably took up the longest time.
Let's say for argument's sake that Leanne was filmed swimming in between the younger blonde girl and the last group of three. It's too repetitive and not necessary to show the same thing three times as they swim to safety.
Obviously the water sequence is well remembered, but it's only a tiny part of the movie and it's handled well by the moviemakers.
At this point, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong. What should disturb the readers is the OP's obsession with trying to see a prepubescent actress in her underwear, and sounding disappointed that he can't.
Let's assume that the scenes were filmed, and then edited in post-production for reasons that should be obvious after reading this thread!
The other two posters here have so confused my point I will set it straight.
There are 4 girls in Sally Jones' little school. Norelle is the oldest; she looks abvout 16. Sarah is the youngest; she wears a skirt.
The two middle girls are Leanne and Sue. Leanne wears a green shirt with buttons and bluejeans. She looks about 11 or 12. Sue is the younger and smaller; she looks about age 10. She wears a purple sweater and whitish/yellowish pants. She has a ponytail while Leanne's hair merely hangs down.
During the abduction Sue forgets her "case". The other 8 children have their cases or sachels, which also contain their lunches.
When the chidren escape through the tunnel there is a clear shot of Leanne from behind wearing her green shirt.
However, when they reach the pool Leanne disappears. Sue is shown many times during this sequence. At first you see her dressed. Sally tells her: "Sue, collect all the food and put it in one of the cases".
There is one possible frame or two of someone beginning to undress. The jersey is greenish, but it does not appear to be a skirt but a jersey. But even if Leanne is shown it is fully dressed. Nowhere does she appear in her underwear.
Then Sue is shown several times wearing only her panties beside the pool.
Then Sue in shown swimming underwater. It is clearly her because you see her ponytail and her face.
Then Sue is shown several times on the opposite bank still wearing only her panties.
Leanne appears in none of these sequences. There are several clear shots of the other 8 chidren standing on the bank in their underwear. You can see each distinctly. There is no-I repeat no- clear shot of Leanne.
When the children swim underwater you can see each of the other 8 children distinctly. But Leanne is not among them. I repeat you do not see Leanne swimming.
As the children reach the safety of the other shore again you can see each of the other 8 children distinctly. Again, there is no Leanne shown.
However when the children emerge from the cave into daylight Leanne, fully dressed, re-appears with the group. {Only now she is wearing a red jacket; where did that come from?}. She and Sue are each carrying a case now.
The other two posters here have vivid imaginations, but have not watched the movie very closely.
I have a vivid imagination? I told you exactly where and how to look for the bloody girl. Yes, it's extremely short and not easy to see, but Leanne is there with here face and bare shoulders hazy but clearly visible. Everything you describe above is accurate. I have not argued that. But, you have yet to acknowledge seeing Leanne in the spots I told you to look.
I thought I was helping you out in finding the girl, however brief, with my first post, but all I've done is make this thread get worse. But, that's okay. I know I'm right.
I have watched the movie several times, and I have yet to see Leanne. And my DVD player works fine. In fact I have watched the movie on two different DVD players.
Moreover, the argument that Leanne may be briefly seen either dressed or supposedly undressed behind another child re-enforces the point I am making. Leanne is not shown in any of the three crucial and extended scenes, viz. standing in underwear at the edge of the pool, swimming or on the opposite shore.
If a viewer has to use a microscope to find her it is hardly evidence that she is in the crucial scenes. There are several brief scenes where one or more of the children is seen obscurely in the background. They may or may not be Leanne.
If Leanne is supposedly shown in the preparatory scene it is so brief as to be meaningless to the average viewer.
Indeed if Leanne did appear however briefly at the beginning of the escape scenes, it would favor my first possible explanation. Beth Buchanan, who played Leanne, was just of an age when girls become very modest. The two younger girls and Norelle had no problem with their semi-nude scenes. So I think it is most likely the director agreed to not show Leanne in those scenes, especially as the typical movie-goer would not notice or care anyway.
The rise of the VHS and even more the DVD allows viewers to become much closer "readers" of a film.
One poster speculates that Leanne's scenes undressed may have been cut as redundant. This kind of gross speculation can be applied to any question. It is merely a catch-all excuse. Moreover, all the other children are shown in all three scenes, not just the swimming segments. So why-for the sake of argument-would the she have been cut from all three ?
Well, I think you are seeing just what you want to... she is clearly there, as everybody else. And I can't imagine why are this so important to you. My thoughts are that you wanted to see her underwear... Anyway...
You are a strange one to question why this is "so important" to me. You are the one understaking frame-by-frame microscopic analysis of the scenes. And what a cheap shot about wanting to see her underwear. Again, who are you to call the kettle black!?
I merely pointed out an interesting bit of trivia that becomes apparent after you watch the movie a few times.
You are a fool, and you really need to stop beating your dead horse. Not to mention engaging in call-calling.
Btw, calling you a fool is not name-calling, but merely a factual conclusion resulting from your obessive interest here.
No, she is not. I made the observation originally that Leanne was absent from all the scenes showing the kids escaping from the cave.
You are now the third twit to come along and assert the contrary because you may see her in earlier background shots. Maybe, maybe not. BUT: She is not in the scenes showing the kids undressing and swimming to safety.
Another retarded troll who engages in namecalling rather than serious discussion.
And where did you get that stupid handle "dbearcave-2" ?