
Does anyone remember that there was talk of a remake? It already had a director attached, can't remember who, some hack. He said the remake would rock, because we'd actually see the Fly fly, lol. Thankfully this travesty never happened, does anyone know more about it and why it was canceled (except that it sounded moronic)?


I don't recall any talk of a remake of this. It does sound moronic, considering that this 1986 version was a remake.
The way they rehash stuff though, maybe it's time....... NOT!


It was quite some time ago, around 2005.


I personally liked this one. I'm a Cronenberg fan. I also thought that Jeff Goldblum did a fine job.
It may seem dated today, but I enjoy it.... I also enjoy the old one with Vincent Price as well. Look at how out dated that seems now.


Cronenbergs The Fly is awesome. Jeff Goldblums best role, were his awkwardness was actually fit the character.


I like Seth Brundle's wardrobe. The same suits all lined up and hung neatly in the closet.
Whenever I watch this movie, I always wonder if there are people out there who actually do that. In a way, even as a woman, I sort of like the idea of getting up in the morning and not having to choose what clothes to wear. The decision is made already. Then I think about just how tired I'd be wearing the same outfit day in and day out. Of course, that wasn't a concern to Brundle. He had his mind on his invention. That was what was important to him.


You’re thinking of Todd Lincoln’s remake, which was announced in 2003. Lincoln was, like, 25 and had never made a movie at the time, and it makes me wonder how even landed a gig with 20th Century Fox in the first place. Judging by concept art which can be seen on the interwebs, Seth would’ve turned into something very closely resembling a fully formed fly and not a 50/50 human/fly fusion, with big red eyes, six arms, and wings. I think it was also rumored that the first half would be a shot-for-shot remake but the second half would be some sort of action thriller. Lincoln later went on to do VHS 3 and The Apparition, both terrible.


This film with Jeff Goldblum was a remake of the original with Vincent Price (1958). The original was much better. I was disappointed with this remake.
