MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > You can't 'try' to make sense (also, you...

You can't 'try' to make sense (also, youtubers are morons)

I only report what doesn't make sense, I don't try anything, I don't attempt to MAKE sense. Something either already makes sense, or it doesn't. Nothing you 'try' (there is no TRY!) really makes any difference.

It's quite difficult to watch 'movie reactions', because the youtube 'reactors', as they call themselves, are total idiots, mongoloids and f.. well, let's just say I wouldn't mind watching a movie where all these 'reactors' would be violently beaten.

I recently watched a video, where youtubers - let's say 'respected, 'veteran' reactors' - watched this movie and gave their braindead comments. You'd think that non-Americans, at least, people with asian heritage, people with SO many movies 'under their belt', would learn to research at least a LITTLE bit before putting their foot in their stupid, little mouths, but nope.

These particular 'reactors' vomited so many stupidities, I was about to tear my hair out by the end of the video.

I'll just list some of them so you'll get what the heck I am fuming about.

1) They wondered 'how many people are extras' in the parade scene, and then came to the conclusion that it might be a real parade - only to immediately slam it down (without explanation). Just, "nah, can't be". Holy cow, how ignorant can you get? Also, LOOK AT it, do you really think it looks like something made solely for the movie?

2) They talked about Charlie Sheen's "make-up" that makes him look like a drug-user. REALLY?! For decades, it has been a well-known fact that he worked very hard to look like that, by staying awake for a very long time and so on. These clowns just brush it off as 'make-up' and move on.

Now, he might not be the best role model on the planet, but he worked damn hard for that scene, and this kind of work should be appreciated and at least recognized. But nope, it's just "make-up" (*foreheadslap!*).

3) These idiots have never used the word 'nauseous' or the other word, 'nauseated' correctly, PLUS, they invent words that do not exist, like 'nauseating'.

I was actually surprised, when Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory once casually talked about nausea, and used the words correctly.

Why can't anyone seem to use these words correctly? It ALMOST makes sense if you are some Joe dull that lives on the streets and can't research words, because your library time goes to trying to keep warm and trying to look for a job (I know, it doesn't really happen, but one can try to live in a comforting illusion).

"Inspired, "Inspirational" and "Inspiration" are three separate concepts. You wouldn't sey you feel 'inspirational', when you mean to say you feel 'inspired', WOULD YOU?!

Then why the F would you say you feel NAUSEOUS, when you mean to say you feel NAUSEATED, and why would you think a word like NAUSEATING exists?! (It doesn't). Stupid youtubers should just be taken behind the sauna.

You wouldn't say 'Inspirating', would you? "That guy is so inspirating" or "That scene is so inspirating". Yet, this is the EXACT, same mistake these porridgebrains are guilty of. They say 'that was nauseating', and then say they felt 'nauseous'.

So 'that was inspirating' and they felt 'inspirational'. What kind of sense does this make?

They should have said 'that was nauseous' and 'I felt nauseated'.

Why is this so difficult? Why is _BASIC_ENGLISH_ so difficult?

I can understand if you make a mistake on how to spell some rare, complicated, overly-long quantum physics-word you have never written or seen before, only heard. But even then, why can't you research it first?

Why can't these peabrains research the movie first, to realize that they, indeed, DID NOT create 'pretty cool effects for the seventies' for Star Wars movies, but they were HEAVILY EDITED BY LUCAS AFTERWARDS, or that Charlie Sheen worked really hard for this role?

Heck, these same people would probably think Charlie Sheen is wearing some kind of body suit in Hot Shots! Part Deux as well... so insulting, so ignorant, and SO EASILY fixable by a minute of research.

At the very least, they could read some trivia page or IMDB page or wikipedia page of the movie, they could read some kind of comments about the movie, but nope. Just watch a movie, be a complete idiot, 'support us in fkreon' and then end video and call it a day.

What gd dmn idiots we live amidst.. I can't help being a bit angry, because it's 2022, you can research almost anything VERY easily, information is almost literally at your fingertips, so you have NO EXCUSE being this ignorant, dumb and stupid. But that doesn't stop the youtubers, that do not seem to actually want to UNDERSTAND what they are watching or what went into making what they're watching, they're more interested in trying to be cute in their stupid thumbnails or nonsensical in their intros, laughing at things they shouldn't be laughing at, and so on.

How can anyone withstand existing in this kind of a world? Surely even Terra should be a better place than this, what happened?


What I can't understand is how did this information age not usher prosperity when it comes to knowledge, information, ability and grammar? I mean, if you didn't know how to type a word in the 1980s, you had to dig through some tedious libraries (though so many magazine editors and other HIRED, PAID people should definitely have DONE that before writing their error and bad grammar-ridden, idiotic articles where they try to sound clever while not being able to choose between 'their' and 'there' correctly) and browse actual pages of physical books just to find how something is spelled.

It's almost somewhat excusable, especially if you are in a hurry - you'd have to find the library, then the book, then the page, then the word.

But now, I would have logically expected people to be MORE informed, because you can get information so easily now; they shouldn't be LESS informed, and how the heck are they more stupid and ignorant?!

I can't understand this.. more information means people know less? What the .. easier research, spell checkers so you can learn how to spell, all these tools and apps somehow means.. people don't know how to spell anything or understand what words mean anymore?

I can't watch the 'Gen Z can't answer basic questions' without feeling pain in my stomach. It shouldn't be like this, how the heck did it come to this? We should know _MORE_, not less! We should have MORE ability, not less, we should have more understanding, better linguistic skills, higher-level of ideas and .. heck, I learned a language just by researching about it in the internet and starting to talk to people. EVERYONE and anyone not only could, but pretty much SHOULD be a polyglot by now, that's how easy it is to learn languages (among everything else) now.

But nope, people are dumber than ever, more ignorant than ever, and they can spell even less then bad magazine editors and writers in the 1980s could. Back then you had a bit of an excuse, now you have NO excuse. W..T..F?


So you're saying Charlie sheen really was a drug addict on death's door and they thought
"Hey! he'd be great for the new teen comedy police station customer - we wouldnt need to waste time in makeup!"
