What's with the snooty names?

Ferris, Sloane, Cameron? Surprised the movie didn't have a Kendall and a Madison.

"IMDb...you will never find a more wretched hive of trolls and douchebaggery"


In a world, where all 'heroes' are named 'John' or 'Jack' (just watch your favorite 1980s action movies and look at all the characters from John Connor to John Matrix to John Claine to AAGH), I think it's REFRESHING as heaven to have greatly QUIRKY names like that.

It's a breath of fresh air to see a name like 'Ferris' or 'Sloane' instead of 'John' and 'Sarah' or 'Mary'.

Cameron is also an interesting name, and although 'Kendall' and 'Madison' sound more clichéic and boring, I'd welcome them ANY day over 'John', 'Jack', 'Mary', 'Sarah' or 'Jennifer' (as beautiful as Claudia Wells was, for those that get my reference),.
