Worst Effects Ever
they were pretty terrible?
They were good. I don't mind bad special effects anyways. I don't know why special effects matter to people so much. Whenever I say that movies from the '70s and '80s are my favorites, the first thing people usually say is "The special effects weren't as good then, though." I don't watch movies for the special effects, I watch them for a good, entertaining story with interesting characters.
Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.
Whenever I say that movies from the '70s and '80s are my favorites, the first thing people usually say is "The special effects weren't as good then, though."I actually thought that most special effects in films back then looked better than what they use today. CGI just doesn't look real to me and it probably never will. Watching a movie turn into a video game before my very eyes just takes me out of the movie completely and feels utterly soulless. The puppets and costumes they used back in the day look a lot more realistic because they were actually physically there. Seeing someone talk to a CGI character on a film and knowing that nothing is actually there lacks the magic that movies from the 70's and 80's had. I understand that some effects can only be accomplished by CGI but it feels like they use it for everything, which frustrates me to no end.
The effects are great. People can say what they will about puppets, but guess what, puppets ARE REAL and are IN FRONT OF THE ACTORS when they are filming stuff. Something is definitely lost when you have the actors stare at a screen and insert a bunch of digital creatures later. Yoda in "Empire," looking like a puppet, still looks way better than Yoda in that god damned abortion "Attack of the Clones," bopping around and fighting Christopher Lee with a lightsaber.
"Mr. Bond, you defy all my attempts to plan an amusing death for you."
"they were pretty terrible? "
Are you asking us?
I thought the special effects considering it's low budget and that it was made back in the eighties were fairly good. The effects are bound to be dated now, just look at the stop motion effects for ED209 in "Robocop". You can't judge "Critters" by modern studies. For It's times the movies effects weren't too bad. Having said that I still wonder at the special effects for movies like "An American Werewolf in London", "Bladerunner" and "The Thing". Thirty years on and they're still amazing!
shareno they weren't and it wouldn't matter anyway, 70's and 80's horror are awesome!
sharegreat posts!!!! ... I couldn't agree more, horror movies in the 70's / 80's were awesome and it is mostly because of the effects, puppets / makeup / can look creepier than any CGI ....
video game movies really suck!
- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre
No they weren't terrible at all they were great.
shareIndeed. They were hilariously terrible.