who saw this in 1986
I saw it in cineworld Bradford and loved it
shareI saw it at the realto when I was 14. Walked aroud with a match stick hanging outta my mouth for months after. Love this fick.
"Tuff fifty"
Saw it at a cut rate dive house on the old Santa Monica promenade. All you really need to rate this grind house epic are: A. The Director. B. The screenwriter. C. The Star. Questions?
shareI wrote about my memory of seeing the film in '86 here on the board:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090859/board/flat/210118636?d=210118636#2 10118636
I saw it back then. It was pretty bad even to a kid in junior high. I just re-watched the first fifteen minutes. This is easily the most offensively stupid big budget film I've ever seen. There's literally something stupid done by the filmmakers on average every two seconds in the opening sequence.
This is a brutal, punishing display of arrogance, egocentrism, greed and flat out stupidity on the part of Stallone, the director, the screenwriters and the studio. It could not be worse without intentionally turning it into a comedy.
Stallone will do one halfway decent film out of every five or six to remind people that he had a modicum of talent and or integrity once upon a time. But the rest are him resting on his laurels, riding a trend and cashing in. This is one of the latter.
I was in 6th grade at the time, and staying with my favorite grandmother for a week. She took me to see Cobra, and Raw Deal starring Arnold that same week. She used to also buy me rap tapes with PA warning labels.
I thought the film was pretty awesome, and still enjoy it today.
Yeah, can't remember where, and I loved it and bought it on VHS and watched it loads. I can't believe what a terrible crappy film it is. Watched it again recently. Now I'm tempted to watch it again. I've gone wrong.
Worth seeing, but not worth going to see.
Saw it at the movies, during the Summer of 1986. I dug it well enough.