I believe this is sort of an academia "in" joke. Kurt Vonnegut wrote the paper. He interpreted his own work. Frequently, the way the writer (or artist) sees their own work, and the message it contains, is very different from how a third party or academician might see it.
I don't think Vonnegut was trying to trip up Thornton. I think he probably wrote a serious essay about his work.
But Diane was already miffed at Thornton, and she didn't know Vonnegut wrote the paper, and it probably didn't jibe with her own interpretations of Vonnegut's work. Remember when she is tutoring Thornton, and they are reading "The Second Coming" by Yeats, and Thornton reads the last line, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" Thornton tells her "rough beast" reminds him of his ex-wife, and Diane says, "That's one interpretation... not the RIGHT one...." So you can see that she does have ideas about "right" and "wrong" ways to interpret literature.
I think had Diane realized Vonnegut wrote the paper, she would have taken it more seriously and it would have been very eye-opening for her. But she didn't know that, and dismissed it.