Robert Downey Jr.

How big is his role in this movie? How far into the movie does he appear?

My DVR is very very full, and I'm trying to delete stuff. For bit parts, I'm just trying to watch the moments that have the actor my DVR recorded it for, rather than the whole movie. Plus, I watched this once many years ago, and don't remember loving it, so I'd rather not watch the whole thing again.

Help? 



He's in it from the beginning to the end..


And he made the movie..


he's the best (i.e. only) friend of Dangerfield's son.


Did Robert Downey Jr. in pretty much all of his '80s movies (save for maybe Weird Science and Less Than Zero), play a male version of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl? In other words, he would often play a pretty, dainty, bouncy, bantering sidekick with no sexual orientation or agenda to speak of and who exists solely to assist/amuse the hero or amp up a dance scene.


Someone's been to the Datalounge!

But year, in this movie RDJ plays a sidekick role, and is the sidekick to a second lead and not the protagonist. But he makes an impression with a small role, and I recommend that you watch the movie before deciding whether to delete it. I saw it again a couple of months ago, and it's a fun movie, rather silly, but very enjoyable.
