MovieChat Forums > Avenging Force (1986) Discussion > FIFTH MEMBER OF PENTANGLE


Who do you guys think is the fifth member of pentangle?


The fifth member of Pentangle was Matt Hunter's boss in the government agency. The movie gave so many clues about that. That explains how Pentangle always managed to stay right on Matt's trail.

Life-the most fatal disease. :P


He also confronts him at the end. Brilliant brilliant film.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*


I just saw this movie a couple nights ago. Yeah it looks like it's Hunters Boss. They never really tell ya at the end, but it ends with an obvious "ah ha I should have known it was him". Of course they never really say it was, probably incase they ever made a sequel.


Just watched this awesome movie again!

The movie gives a lot of clues that most likely it is Hunter's boss. But it's not definite, and they probably intended to expand that in the sequel.

I wish I could finance a sequel myself!



if you still want to play it just download dvd decryptor, or something like that it will remove the region on the dvd. just as long as its ntsc format. if its pal than there nothing you can do


For me always was Admiral Brown, you can tell if you watch the last scene in the film..

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Admiral Brown was obviously the 5th member. Pentagle knew every move Matt and Senator Richards made and were hot on their trail.


Obviously, it was Hunter's boss. How else could the rest of the Pentangle have gotten their hands on his classified file? Btw: in real life, "G-6" is the section of the Army Department responsible for telecommunication integrity. But, then again; what better camouflage for a top-secret anti-terrorist unit of the Federal government to hide behind than a seemingly lackluster one? Even if only in medium-budget "spy-fi" movies.


Matt's boss is the 5th Pentangle. You can tell by the edgy look on his face when Matt hinted that he knew it was him.


Is this a serious question? How could it be anyone other than his boss at the end. And wasn't there a scene early on where the show a couple members of the Pentangle calling Hunter's boss to alert him Hunter is on the way inside the building?


I don't remember that scene. I haven't seen the movie in a few years. The fifth member had to be the boss or the boss was working for the fifth member. Something like that. Too bad they never made a sequel.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!




I remember that scene but not sure if they were members of Pentangle because Hunter's boss had told Hunter to meet in that building. In the final fight scene the villain Glastonbury did get a call from someone (most likely Hunter's boss) that Hunter was coming.

Anyways, Hunter's boss has been secretly informing Pentangle about Hunter's whereabouts.

The twist was Hunter realized that the 5th Pentangle member was indeed his boss he just couldnt prove it.
