Some would say Aliens because how it changes the alien. Yet Cameron put a lot of care into making the sequel mesh with the original in terms of aesthetic, characters, and tone. The first two movies most feel like they're in the same universe. You can find something to like from any angle - the characters, the sets, the practical effects alien designs. They created a lot of positive momentum and good will with audiences.
The third movie threw that out in the opening act by killing two major characters and much of the tone/momentum of the first two movies. There's a deep space exploration (and dread) atmosphere to the first two movies. The first has the Nostromo in deep space. The second has the colony, which is on the planet from the original. The third grinds that to a halt on a drab prison planet with a bunch of bald guys who mostly all sound and look the same (to American audiences).
If they were gonna go with an "Alien on a populated world" theme they should have went all out like on a space station or colony. The way they did it, by killing two beloved characters and setting it on a prison world with characters most people don't care about, wasn't a good way for most audiences.
They could have allowed Hicks some screen time before killing him, give him survivor's guilt and PTSD to keep the dour tone of the movie, don't have to make the three of them perfectly happy. You could show them coping with the events of Aliens, and then throw them into another mess with the aliens so they have no time to process it. There's plenty of dark territory that could have been explored while respecting these characters and giving them arcs worthy of them.
What they did was absurd. To bring the series momentum to a screeching halt was nonsensical. So was thinking that the franchise was about Ripley alone and her being in the movie (and the alien) was all that was needed.
That's like saying Alien could have been made by Ridley Scott without HR Giger, Dan Obannon, and so forth. How has that worked with the prequels?
The best movies are ensemble pieces from crew to cast. Then again maybe Cameron got the ball rolling by saying Aliens was all about Ripley, even if it wasn't.