If this is Hal Ashby's last film shouldn't it be on DVD?
Come on and get 'er done Hollywood.
You didn't deserve Hal Ashby and now he's gone


I'm waiting on this one too, brother.


Me too,my friend,as well as other forgotten diamonds(STRAIGHT TIME,PERFORMANCE,O LUCKY MAN,etc.).We better let these studio execs know that we don't need the crap they are releasing,but real cinema instead.



Hal Ashby...Olive Stone....Jeff Bridge...James Newton Howard...one of Andy Garcia's first major film performance (and a killer one at that), and this STILL isn't available on DVD? I've seen lesser films come out with several variations (single disk with no extras, dual disks, etc) and this still can't be gotten digitally? Sad.


EXACTLY !! I've just watched the "Against all odds" DVD, which I remember as one of two nice 80's thriller/romantic flick with "8 million..." (and moreover both with Jeff Bridges). Ans still no DVD !! Not even zone 1 !!! I'm in France, so till we get the zone 2 DVD... there will already be a follower to the format that will appear after the DVD.
Well yes, my english is bad.

Help my drawings to meet new eyes at http://www.gregorybeal.com


I remember when this flick was released to theatres back in '86, and in every interview both Bridges and Arquette complained about the editing of the film, and how the studio took control of the film without allowing Hal Ashby the opportunity to direct it himself, removing a lot of major scenes dealing with Bridges' alcoholism and recovery process out of the final product and focusing on the action instead. If there is a DVD release I hope it includes a director's cut because Ashby definitely deserved better than this.


I remember Ashby trashed the film too. Not his best but not that but. It would be interesting to see the original cut if they can find the cut footage.


I would hope so too. Maybe with Lookin' To Get Out now on DVD 8 Million has a chance. What's unbelievable is I just found out it was released on laserdisc! Laserdisc? Then why not dvd.

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go....


Straight Time and Performance out and in style thank God. Still no O Lucky Man or 8 Million... :(


Well, if you're jonseing (like me) for a director's-cut DVD, then that's going to be highly unlikely due to Ashby being dead. Man, I would love to see all the stuff that got cut out, but being that PSO Entertainment (the studio that produced it) went bankrupt, the chances of recovering any reels are not very good at all.

The VHS was released by 20th Century Fox, so you'd think this'd be on DVD by now. Instead, we get all this direct-to-video crap, unfortunately.

P.S. I'm also hoping for a DVD release of Michael Ritchie's The Island, starring Michael Caine.



I own 2 copies on VHS, just in case one breaks down.
And still no DVD. For shame !


